01. Environmental Audit at Car Wash Center “Lavauto y Lubriteca”
Performed and environmental self-audit to evaluate pollution control systems, waste storage areas, water supply systems, up-to-date environmental permits, regulatory reports, plans, and documentation. Prevention of hazardous chemical release to the environment. Proposed improvement to current environmental and safety conditions.
02. Environmental Management System (EMS) for “Encargo” Corporation
Developed complete EMS for Encargo corporation. Created their environmental policy analyzed environmental aspects and impacts. Defined environmental objectives and targets to achieve regulatory compliance. Conducted employee training and proposed ISO 14001 certification strategy.
03. Modeling the air quality impact of landfill controlled burns using EPA CMB8.2 model
The Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) air quality receptor model was applied to determine the possible air quality impact from the solid and hazardous waste burning. PM2.5 was the major pollutant studied.
04. Particle Removal Efficiency and Cost Benefit Analysis for air pollution control system
A study was conducted to determine the appropriate particulate control device needed for a 44 MWe power plant that uses a coal-fired furnace configuration and burns sub-bituminous coal with an 8% by mass ash content. Cyclone and Fabric Filter air pollution control systems were analyzed in this study.
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